Mental Soundness at Work E-book by Christina Brown.

A guidebook which I’ve put together based on my experience as an HR Generalist working within Financial Services on a topic that is very close to my heart, Mental Health. 

I wanted to dig deeper about the system available at the place where we spend most of our time at - which is at work! I was right in the centre of it all. A HR contact and seeing the effects of someone struggling with their emotions. 

So, the concept of employee well-being has grown in popularity over the past few years, but is it something new or just a clever relabelling of traditional absence management, occupational health and good management practice? What programmes and initiatives are taking place under this heading and how effective is it REALLY for both employee and employer?

I questioned this element and wanted to look into it further. This is my guidebook to share knowledge, increase learning and understanding.

I hope you find my book useful. If I can help one individual with this, then my work was worth it.