Frequently asked questions.

Are the Affirmation Flashcards (Young Positive Minds) just for Black children?

No. We believe that all children should be exposed to all different backgrounds and ethnicities. We also strongly believe that there should be a diversity range of products in a child’s educational box.

Will there be other products for sell under Young Positive Minds?

Yes! The positive affirmation cards is the first product to be released under Young Positive Minds. We are working behind the screens on other products to boost self love, confidence and increase learning from home.

What courier does Young Positive Minds use and what delivery options do I have ?

We offer 1st class and 2nd class signed and tracked options for UK, Europe, USA & other selected countries that you can find at the checkout.

What sizes are the Positive Affirmation flashcards ?

The flashcards are A7.

Where are the products made ?

Our flashcards and future products are all made in the UK.

Are you eco-friendly ?

None of our current and future products are made with plastic. The flashcards are FSC and the inks used are eco-friendly and made from renewable sources.

What is The Motivational Mums Club?

At The Motivational Mums Club, we aim to empower mothers of all types through motivational speakers from a panel of Mothers speaking on Mental Health, self love, stillbirth, body image, domestic violence, careers and more.

Along with bringing experiences of motherhood together, we advocate for Mental Health awareness in Mothers and Mums to be. We also promote positive methods on how Mothers should take care of their mental health whilst loving and caring for their children whilst wearing many hats as we women do.

Besides from connecting Mothers/Mums to be, does Motivational Mums provide a service?

Yes, we do. We provide Free Mental Health Sessions to Mothers and Mums to be. The sessions are with an NHS Mental Health specialist who is also a Mother. The sessions are 1 to 1. For further information, please click on the ‘free mental health’ button.

We also provide Doula Support to families. For more information, please click on the Motivational Mums Club Services from the drop down.